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womens giant lust advanced 0

Giant Lust Advanced: Best Women’s Mountain Bike Ever

My vote for the best women's mountain bike is the Giant Lust Advanced 0. Moving from Minneapolis (elevation 600 ft) to High Rolls Mountain Park, NM (elevation 7,000 ft) opened my eyes about the diversity of biking styles and needs. Minnesota - FLAT. New Mexico - NOT flat,...

Living in the Sacramento Mountains

Mountain Bike Riding in Lincoln National Forest, Sacramento Mountains This is where we live, work, ride and hike now - in the mountains in New Mexico. I'm riding my mountain bike on a largely untraveled dirt road just behind the town of High Rolls. We're just...

Personalize Your Exercise Plan to Make it Stick

What, of all the exercise you could do, sounds like the most fun? It doesn't have to be something traditional, or something anyone else would choose. This is a case where "doing what you love" can yield lifelong results....