
Snow on the Organ Mountains

It's easy to forget about snow when you live 50 miles from the Mexican border, but we're having getting a cold snap here in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Luckily, the snow melts in the city on the same day it falls, but lingers on in...

Desert Monsoon

A Desert in Full Bloom After Summer Monsoon I thought monsoon season occurred in India, but we have one here in the New Mexico desert. We've had days of thick humidity blown around by warm winds and followed by long soaking rains. The flowers seem to...

best hiking boots

What’s the Best Hiking Boot?

I admit it - I'm a sucker for outdoor technical gear. I especially love hiking boots. Right now I have three pair, all for different kinds of terrain, and I'm pretty sure it's not quite enough. I choose them for ...

posole pot

Step AWAY From That Pot of Posole, NOW!

Don't Mess With the Hostess and Her Posole Check out this article in the Las Cruces Sun-News. A short reminder that we all love our moms but should not make assumptions when it comes to their tolerance levels. Happy Mother's Day, all. Charges Dismissed Against NM Man...